Explore coaching, education and leadership
Ten Effective, Effective Questions
If you have taken our coaching courses, you know that Effective Questions are key to drawing out self-awareness, insight, answers and solutions from your coachee. But, you are also aware that knowing what question to ask is a skill in and of itself. While there is no such thing as a good or bad question, we’ve developed a short list of some of our favourites.
Step Into Your Kid’s COVID Shoes
We’ve all pressed pause on our lives—whether we like it or not. The present is saying: here is the gift of time, how will you make it worth your while, both in your home and on a global scale? If you think it’s hard to ask yourself this question, imagine how hard it might be to kickstart it with your teenager. Here are some coaching techniques that can help.
How We Can Use Coaching to Help Others, Part Two
In Part One, we looked at the Forms of Help Spectrum. Though there is great intelligence here, it becomes even more interesting when combined with the Connection Hierarchy.
How We Can Use Coaching to Help Others
Over the last seven years of teaching coaching to educators, we’ve learned that choosing how best to help another does not always come easy. With too little time and so much to do, help can often look like a one-size-fits-all approach consisting of advising and telling.

Practice Drop Ins
Each month we host two online group coaching session where teachers can connect, share their experiences and bring their coaching questions. Sign up today and join us next time!