Explore coaching, education and leadership
My Biggest Challenge as Facilitator
Facilitating is an art form. It can feel easy one day and challenging the next. After more than 15+ years of delivering courses and workshops both online and in-person, there are still times when being a facilitator is just plain difficult.
There are a lot of reasons for this. Everyone has their Achilles heel; I would love to share mine.
Attention Facilitators: You don’t always need to have an answer
It’s likely you had a few notable growth spurts as a young person. You may have been one of the lucky ones who woke up one day four inches taller. Or, you may have had a slightly prolonged experience, feeling the growth occur little by little.
The phrase ‘growing pains’ means “neuralgic pains which occur in the limbs of some young children” and the important word here is ‘some’. Not everyone will experience the same sort of pains, or any pains at all.
Practice Makes The Coach Grow Stronger
Strengthening your biceps with weight training or pumping your heart on an outdoor run are two simple ways to activate your physical muscles. We want the same for your coaching muscle.
It’s a new year and we’re all being bombarded with the sentiment of ‘new year, new you’. More than any other time of year, people are focused on what they’re putting in their bodies and how they’re moving them, too.
Swapping This Question for That Question
This blog was inspired by a very talented, vegan entrepreneur, Leanne, who has recently turned her life inside out and backwards, to find not only what fulfils her deeply but what also makes her healthy and happy.
If you’ve been coaching for any length of time, you likely have your favourite go-to questions; the ones that you use time and time again. You may think the question in your head is the best one to ask your coachee, but sometimes, you need to challenge yourself to swap one question for another to really open someone up.
Everyone Poops and Everyone’s Poop Looks Different
At Graydin our week begins with a team meeting that always follows a similar structure. It starts with a joyful song to get us motivated, then a little weekend check-in, a quick game or a moment of gratitude and then we share what may trigger us that day.
New Resources for Better Coaches
As we've made changes in the last year and as a result, our resources can be hard to find with many things in many places. One place we know we can improve is in the Learning Library. And so, if you are a current Graydin alumni, the way that you are currently accessing the Library will change for the better. And if you aren’t an alumni, you’ll now be able to access our library of resources for the first time ever.

Practice Drop Ins
Each month we host two online group coaching session where teachers can connect, share their experiences and bring their coaching questions. Sign up today and join us next time!