Why Educators Love Coaching
If you don’t know, Graydin used to run an online community called ‘Educators with Heart’ on the Mighty Networks platform. We asked our members one simple question: What do you love most about coaching?
This seemingly straight-forward question spurred a discussion that has lasted over a year, and garnered responses from 65 educators and Graydin Alumni.
We were blown away by the breadth and the beauty of what was shared. And while each answer is amazingly unique, we loved seeing themes that emerged.
Some educators love how coaching is based on simple skills…
Its amazing capacity to effect profound transformation through the most basic of human acts—open listening, simple questions—at the same time as facilitating lots of fun.
— Justin
Its ability to encourage people to really listen to each other.
— Orla
The art of developing and asking meaningful questions.
— Helen
I love how intuitive and natural it is. It's just there, waiting for us to tap into its power.
— Karen
…but leads to significant transformations.
Witnessing human transformation.
— Shay
Its transformative ability.
— Michelle
Its transformational nature.
— Debra
Helping others.
— Joanna
Helping others develop!
— Katie
Helping people to develop.
— Tom
The ability to support individuals in the achievement of their true potential.
— JJ
To be able to enhance performance in a positive way.
— Umber
The collaboration brings growth to both parties—mentee and mentor.
— Margaret
THESE transformations might be that a coachee is empowered…
The way it empowers people and gives them the confidence to become the best version of themselves. And the real gems...those 'a ha' moments that can genuinely change someone's life.
— Angela
Helping empower others to come up solutions to their challenges or obstacles.
— Adrienne
The power it has given to stop telling others what to do but rather to empower them to make decisions and to plan their journey which is liberating.
— Lara
It seeks to empower without creating dependency.
— Sreekala
I love that you are helping people to come up with their own solutions and so empowering them rather than trying to fix them.
— Miriam
I love how empowering coaching is. To help the coachee discover their true self and guide them to move through their journey.
— Pascale
Making a difference and supporting others in an effective way that enables them to feel empowered.
— Jonathan
I love that coaching supports humans to BE empowered to make choices in alignment what WHO they are and WHAT is important to them in their life!
— Jocelyn
…they learn to love themselves more…
I love that a result of coaching people learn to love themselves and others even more.
— McKenzie
Supporting others find their potential.
— Kate
…and they foster connection along the way.
Developing deeper connections.
— Zoë
The connection it offers!
— Rebecca
— Lara
Professional dialogue with colleagues.
— Will
I love the coaching process, which encourages growth and positivity. The START WITH HEART model really works for me! Now, more than ever, it's vital to stay connected to our values and passions in community.
— Jane
teachers love that coachees go on a journey…
The inward journey the coachee goes on as a result of coaching, both in the moment and the journey that continues after, too. I love the reflective nature and how it allows people to really connect with themselves.
— Quinn
Gives the coachee ownership of their decisions and ultimately their destination.
— Liz
That it empowers people to move from being stuck to finding a path that they are happy with.
— Mairion
And this journey ends in action.
Coaching has allowed me to work with clients to create lasting change—teachers who become more confident and skilled—entrepreneurs who commit to their own creativity. It also keeps me honest and on my toes and is a place where I am continually learning and growing. I love it!
— Rob
Being able to explore options and ways forward in order to help people.
— Tracy
Helping people to get unstuck.
— Jocelyn
Come out with solutions.
— Rola
Listening and seeing people take action on their self-defined goals.
— Amanda
The ability to help others see a solution to issues that face them.
— David
Seeing the transformation as students walk away from the session with a drive to put into action what they have come up with.
— Matthew
This action can come from the space and freedom that coaching provides…
Everything slows down, gracefully, so students have time to pause, reflect and mull things over.
— Gaynor
Providing a safe space for the coachee to think and reflect. Questioning what is at their core (heart), what their mind is telling them (head) and providing encouragement and belief that their next steps will be the right ones for right now.
— Emma
I like giving people space to talk in a supportive atmosphere where they feel valued.
— Nicolas
It sets people free to make good decisions.
— Clare
The multiple pathways to explore that open with each question.
— Phoebe
Helps me reflect, process and find clarity.
— Hannah
or from Those moments (you know the ones).
Watching the breakthroughs experienced by others. The joy, freedom, inspiration, and energy in those moments is exhilarating.
— Steven
The "Ah Ha" moment for me and the coachee.
— Bernadette
New discoveries.
— Ayesha
The lightbulb moment for others.
— Melanie
It’s personal and flexible…
It's so personal and tailored absolutely to the coachee. What better way to work through things that are important in one's life could there be?
— Andy
The impact it can have for both individuals and groups.
— Stephanie
The fact that there is an open minded and positive approach for both coach and coached.
— Stella
It’s good to be there for others; coaching others helps me learn much about myself. It is a very positive process.
— Jane
but deeply impactful.
It recognises that most of the time the issue is always not the issue.
— Adebisi
The ability to get deep to the heart and truth of the matter.
— Michele
It makes people happier.
— Gilly
and people love that this impact results from the simple act of helping others help themselves.
I love supporting others to understand themselves more.
— Tom
Helping others to help themselves.
— Denise
The ability to work with others to help them achieve their potential.
— Michael
The fact that the person being coached is the one really doing the work!
— Dan
The art of supporting others to step into their power, decision making and clarity.
— Tivo
That it helps the coachee find the answer/direction for themselves.
— Tammy
The fact that it is open, supportive and not about someone trying to get someone else to do what they're supposed to do!
— Christopher
The coachee finding their own answers and solutions from their heart.
— Jordan
Being able to open up peoples minds and get them to consider other options that cause them to look inside themselves first, as they usually know the answer really...
— Lynn
As a coach, one of the highlights for me is seeing coachees talk themselves into realising and truly believing something that others may have seen in them for a long time.
— Kim