Explore coaching, education and leadership
What we learnt from our ‘connected economy’ this year
We value a ‘connected economy’. And by this we mean the connection created between humans that was difficult or impossible before the internet.
A Tribute to Our Friend, Sir John Whitmore
Sir John Whitmore played a major role in founding an industry that is still in its infancy but has the capacity to transform the world. He was a pioneer in coaching, co-created the famous GROW model and advanced the idea that the answers are truly within us. He reminded those who would listen that the role of the coach is to ask, not tell, and that when we increase awareness, we are able to generate responsibility.
Why join the #WomenEd debate?
WomenEd co-founder Hannah Wilson tells us why she connected with other female leaders via social media to launch a grassroots movement to promote equality, diversity and inclusive school leaders.
2nd Annual Coaching in Education Conference
Last Thursday December 4th, we had the pleasure of co-hosting our 2nd Annual Coaching in Education Conference at Wellington College in Berkshire. Those working or involved in education were invited to attend to explore how coaching unlocks potential and transforms learning for teachers, school leaders, students and schools.

Practice Drop Ins
Each month we host two online group coaching session where teachers can connect, share their experiences and bring their coaching questions. Sign up today and join us next time!