Now, right now is the time to be Checking-In
Since Saturday, October 7 this year, a war in the Middle East has been consuming the mental bandwidth of millions of lives all over the world. If you have an acquaintance, colleague, friend or loved one who is deeply or even loosely connected to the Arab or Jewish world, you need to Check-In. Even if it feels like it's almost over. Even if it feels like it has gotten ‘better’. You need to check-in right now.
The skill of ‘Checking-In’ is not as simple asking if someone is ‘okay’. The most meaningful and kind way to check-in is to ask questions like: How are you feeling about what’s going on? What do you hope for? How is it impacting your life? How can I be supportive to you right now?
And then…create space for awareness and reflection through silence.
There’s a common myth, that to be a great coach, you need to have a wide array of skills and tools. There is some truth to this. But what’s truer, is that to be a great coach, you need a solid understanding of the basic skills.
The skill of Checking-In shows you care, helps someone feel seen and invites honesty. It’s an opportunity to explore how ‘well’ someone feels, especially at this complex moment of history.
As you can see below, there is a chasm between well and unwell, thriving and surviving. The land of being ‘okay’ is wide. So, the question is, how ‘okay’ are they really?