How to Move Through The Seasons of Coaching
Coaching moves through distinct seasons, each offering a unique experience and requiring specific approaches for success - vision, planning, momentum and plateau.
The Four Seasons
Where everything feels alive. You're filled with excitement and curiosity as if you can sense the potential all around you.
The initial excitement shifts into focused action. Ideas transform into clear, actionable steps. Progress may feel subtle, but it's tangible.
Everything starts to flow effortlessly. Plans come to fruition, and coaching flourishes. Your initiatives—courses, workshops, and projects—run smoothly, with active contribution from those around you.
Everything feels stagnant. You may feel demotivated or disconnected from the original vision.
Strategies for Each Season
Vision: Nurture Growth and New Beginnings
Vision Boards
Encourage students & staff to create vision boards showcasing personal, academic, or professional goals
Vision Mapping Workshop
Conduct school-wide brainstorming to generate ideal school experiences
Vision Alignment Sessions
Hold collaborative workshops to align school coaching vision with student and staff goals
Future-Self Letters
Have participants write letters to their future selves about desired personal growth
Coaching INSET
Host a two-hour session sharing foundational skills, research, and case studies
Organise a coaching fair with interactive activities introducing coaching tools and skills
Planning: Reflection and Possibility
Strategy Design
Engage leadership in exploring coaching integration across school life
Strategy Sessions
Hold detailed planning meetings with staff and students
Coaching Curriculum & Planning Hackathon
Host collaborative events for curriculum design
Annual Coaching Review
Audit current efforts and identify areas for improvement
Seasonal Reflection Circles
Organise small group sessions for journey-sharing and goal-setting
Coaching Roadmap Creation
Have departments create and showcase visual roadmaps of goals and timelines
Momentum: Flourishing and Growth
Coaching Symposium
Organise school-wide sharing of best practices and future planning
Coaching Champions Celebration
Recognise excellence in coaching implementation
Student-Led Coaching Workshop
Enable peer-to-peer learning and demonstration of mastery
Parent Coaching Showcase
Present coaching impacts to the parent community
Community Coaching Day
Extend coaching support to the broader community
Peer-to-Peer Coaching Cafes
Create informal spaces for coaching practice
Summer Leadership Academy
Develop coaching-related leadership skills
Coaching Journals
Document growth and insights during peak momentum
Plateau: Embracing Reflection and Renewal
Coaching Challenge
Launch initiatives for small daily coaching practices
Revisit Your Why
Host workshops reconnecting with original motivation
Accountability Partnerships
Establish support systems for maintaining progress
Coaching Reboot Week
Dedicate time to refresh and reinvigorate coaching culture
Coaching School Visits
Learn from other institutions' coaching practices
Storytelling for Renewal
Invite inspiring speakers who've overcome plateaus
Art Show
Express coaching experiences through creative visual representations
Moving through the seasons of coaching requires awareness, adaptability and intentional action. By recognising which season you're in and implementing appropriate strategies, you can maintain momentum and navigate challenges effectively. Each season serves a purpose. Figure out what that is whilst also seeing the bigger picture. You are building and sustaining a coaching culture - it takes effort.