graydin coach pathway
Understand the basics of coaching and how to be an effective coach.
Course Fee
Courses Included
The Anatomy & The Journey
Live Online & Self-Paced Courses
You believe coaching can make a difference — now gain the skills perfectly suited to your role as an educator.
Imagine having a tangible set of skills to empower your colleagues, support your students and foster meaningful change across your school community.
Each of these courses has been carefully crafted to help you seamlessly integrate coaching into your daily life. The power of coaching is within your reach, and it starts here!
Graydin coach pathway
This pathway includes 40+ hours of Live Online and Self-Paced course learning:
Plus, access to further resources, including:
An online Course Portal with hours of self-directed learning for each course
Handbooks and worksheets for every course
12 months of free access to all Coaching Libraries
Optional Practice Drop-Ins
A custom and actionable plan for how to use coaching in your classroom and school
Membership to our course alumni communities
SAVE £200
A registration bundle that includes:
Our foundational and advanced coaching courses and additional supporting resources.
The Anatomy:
Foundational Coaching Course
Learn the fundamentals of coaching: a set of tools that create confident teachers, independent students and aligned schools.
The Journey:
Advanced Coaching Course
Build your confidence as a coach with advanced tools and strategies and begin to embed coaching in your school.
This Bundle will GUaRANTEE YOU…
Learn new ways of communicating and leading as a coach
Empower students and staff to be more autonomous and creative thinkers
Develop your self-awareness, examining your values, goals and fulfilment
Create an actionable plan for how to embed coaching in your school
Coaching has reinvigorated me and my approach to all aspects of my professional life. Before Graydin, I thought coaching was just a faddish management and leadership tool, but Graydin’s model has reframed that for me; it reaches into all aspects of education.
Phillip Canning, Head of Curriculum, Eastbourne College
How does it work?
Sign up for the bundle
Purchase the bundle for £1,100 and save £200 compared to purchasing the courses individually.
Choose your course dates
Following your purchase, you will be contacted to choose your course dates. To ensure you know these dates, visit The Anatomy and The Journey pages. Please see our FAQ’s and policies below to learn more.
Complete your courses and access resources
Everything you will need is provided in your Course Portal. As you progress through each course, the next will become available at the appropriate stage and time.
McKenzie has been coaching and studying coaching for more than 15 years, with extensive experience delivering coach-training and coaching to teachers, students, parents and executives. She is a Co-active Coach, NLP Coach Practitioner, ICF accredited PPC coach, and a somatic coach.
Quinn is an expert in motivating and inspiring others to coach and be coach-like in education and business. Quinn has run hundreds of workshops on coaching training, leadership and communication, as well as providing one-to-one coaching to over 500 clients. She is a certified Co-active Coach, NLP Coach Practitioner and ICF accredited PCC coach.
You’re ready to commit to developing coaching skills that will enhance your professional work in schools and your personal life.
You will have nine months to complete both courses. We have a range of dates to choose from that will allow for completion within that time frame.
You agree to attend all the selected Live Online Sessions for the cohorts you chose, missing no more than two hours of each course.
You agree to complete The Graydin Coach Pathway in the timeframe provided.
You agree to inform us in a timely manner of any changes to your circumstances which will affect your completion of this particular Pathway.
If you have enrolled in and paid for The Anatomy and would like to purchase a Pathway, please contact us to discuss this further.
The courses within the Pathway need to be completed in order—The Anatomy, and then The Journey.
Each course must be completed in its entirety, including all coursework within the Course Portal.
If there is a change to the course calendar, whether it be a cancellation or amendment, you will be informed by email as soon as possible.
You will receive a form listing future dates for the rescheduled course, as well as dates for the remaining courses in the Pathway, so you can make an informed decision on how to proceed.
Requests for an extension to the timescale for the Pathway will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Once you have selected new course dates, you’ll receive new course confirmations based on the cohorts you’ve chosen.
There will generally not be extensions to the Pathway. However, if an individual encounters circumstances beyond their control, such as illness or a family emergency, an extension will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Click the Purchase button above. We'll ask you to fill out a form and make your payment. You’ll then receive an email from us prompting you to select your cohort for each course.
Once you have chosen your course dates, you will receive course confirmation emails for each cohort.
Please note that we can only provide invoices for purchases above £2,000. Please contact us for more details.
The fee associated with the Pathway is non-refundable.
If you have a conflict with any of the scheduled course dates, please contact us to discuss your situation.
Yes. You can either register yourself or someone else. You’ll have the opportunity to enter the participant’s name and email as you register.
Enrol your colleagues' support for coaching using our free Coaching Toolkit. Download this on our Resources page.
In all instances, your first point of contact is our Operations Manager, Amy Cusack. She will be able to assist with any of your queries in a timely manner.
These include:
questions about the Pathway
registration and payment issues
technical difficulties with the Course Portal
missing a Session
needing an extension
any other issues
Enroll with confidence with our money-back guarantee. If you find that the course doesn't meet your needs or expectations, contact us anytime for a complete refund within six months of purchase.