Monika Kukol Sochorova

Coach and IT Students Talent Resource Manager

Prague, Czech Republic

Monika has lived and studied in London, and spent 10 years alternating between Dubai and Prague. In Dubai, she earned an MBA from the prestigious Emirates Aviation University. Upon her return, she worked at the Academy of Sciences in technology transfer, where she initiated panel discussions that continue to this day. At IBM, she led a successful nationwide project for students. Monika has been featured on the TV shows "Snídaně s Novou" and "TV Prima." Recently, she presented her practical insights at the 8th scientific conference at the University of Economics in Prague. Monika is also a mum and wife and a Certified Coach (ACC) who passionately embraces the power of possibilities and personal growth. With extensive training in the Neuroleadership program and certification by the CZ Ministry of Education, she was also the first facilitator of Graydin's "Start with Heart" in the CEE region. Monika is dedicated to helping you align your life with your core values, which you can discover together. In addition to coaching, she leads workshops for educators, offers online self-development programs, writes for Ženy s.r.o., and hosts the podcast "Tady a Teď," where she shares visualizations and motivational insights.

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